
Omolara is a Yoruba word meaning "children are our strength"

The company was founded by Molara - singer, songwriter, actress and performer with the likes of Zion Train, Ruts DC, Zubop Gambia and many more. Molara has a BA honours degree in drama and French literature, is a fluent French speaker and also speaks some Spanish and Welsh.

Co director of the company is Azido veteran and Frititi founder, Nii Okai Tagoe - dancer, choregrapher, musican and performer with Osibisa, African Headcharge and Baka Beyond to name but a few. With more than 20 years of travelling, teaching and performing experience, their powerful personalities and positive energy have inspired people of all ages and abilities internationally.

The aim of the company is to empower children and young people through a range of creative media, encouraging self expression, global awareness and individual responsibility. Says Molara... "with younger children we aim to get them singing, dancing, creating and using their imaginations - whilst at the same time giving them a sense of geographical and historical awareness, and taking them back to roots instruments such as the African drum and balafon.

With older children we aim to inspire them with performance, encourage them to express themselves through the medium of music and drama with the aim of building their self confidence and self awareness".

Of primary importance in all our school workshops is respect. Respect for yourself as an individual, respect for others and respect for the environment or planet.

We have worked extensively with pupils and teachers in mainstream primary and secondary schools, as well as specialising in work in "pupil referral units" and schools for young people with "special educational needs".

Director: Molara show reel
Director: Nii Okai Tagoe show reel